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La opinión y las razones de los firmantes de la Recogidas de Firmas:
Petición por que la zona verde de Hacienda Guadalupe permanece naturales
, para todas las personas que frecuentan la zona verde, avenida Las Mimosas y la calle Palmitos
F.javier F.
Qué siga Cómo esta, solo pondria mas bancos y papeleras
Wendy B.
This is a beautiful natural area where children and adults can explore the environment together. Preserve it and allow the wild flowers, insects and animals to create a special place for everyone to enjoy.
True S.
I take many young children for nature walks. We learn how enjoy all the flowers and insects they have plenty of swings etc., in the playgrounds of Sabinillas. Please keep this one natural.
Carolina .
It is a beautiful area amongst a very built up area. The wild flowers, bushes and trees are wonderful. It is enjoyed by the local community throughout the year. Please leave it to regrow into the exciting, interesting wild area it was.
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