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La opinión y las razones de los firmantes de la Recogidas de Firmas: Recollida de firmes finalitzada, gracies., para Recollida de firmes finalitzada, gracies.

Pedro .Por la becesidad de regularizar la música en directo pues también es patrimonio cultural y más en esta isla donde nos dedicamos al turismo
Marina S.Consideró que la música es muy importante en la vida de la sociedad internacional como esta .
Hans M.Los ayuntamientos tendrían que permitir el desarrollo de esta actividad a horas precisas en locales públicos como Bares y Restaurantes.
Josep M.Don suport a aquesta iniciativa i vull que quedi constància amb la meva forma
Bartolome O.Firma Per u musics
DAVID M.Good live music adds to the wonderful atmosphere that Puerto Pollensa has had for many years. Do not destroy it.
Marcos A.Si la música amansa a las fueras que bueno no hará con nosotros.
Helen k.Keep music live!
Lee k.I support this with passion
Richard S.It is so important to have live music, it can be managed without real bother to local people and tourists alike. if it is advertised correctly it will attract people who like live music and those that do not, are easily disturbed or look for things to complain about can then find another area that suits them better.
Dorothy L.I support Live Music in Port de Pollensa... It's why we visit for up to 5 months a year!!
Pedro T.Vull musica en viu a Pollença
John C.My wife and I have visited Porta Pollenca a few times now and the main reason is the live music in the bars and outside in the sun. Live music brings people together and creates a friendly atmosphere. Here in the UK more often than not we do not have the weather to enjoy live music outside very often. Keep the live music venues or lose trade.
John c.Please keep live music in pollensa
Dwayne W.necessitamos la musica en vivo - es un grande parte de la vida y la turista en Puerto Pollensa
Fernando .Hace mucha falta
Lynn H.We all need music in our lives. Control the volume, do NOT dispense with it all together please.
dean T.keep music live
George .Keep music live. Good luck guys

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