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La opinión y las razones de los firmantes de la Recogidas de Firmas:
Licencia de verano para el Entretenimiento en vivo/Música/Petition for Summer Live Music Entertainment Licences in Spain
, para The President of Spain and The President of The European Union
Karolina R.
Hello, I wish to have a licence for "Summer Live Entertainment/Music Licence" how I can get it ? What should I do ? and where I need to go.
Peta r.
Eso esta un situ para vacanciones y desfruta musica y bailler,y los bars necessita clientes para economia.
Brian B.
We live in Spain! We should be allowed to enjoy what Spain is all about, the outdoor life tourism and fun
James L.
All local bars will close if cant give what customers are asking for and leaving cos no entertainment
Thomas W.
“In all of living, have much fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.”
Lesley H.
Let the bar owners in La Marina survive by allowing music until midnight. Everyone must respect the people who live nearby by leaving quietly
Simon E.
Spain is the noisiest country in the world. Targeting British Bars is Racist and stupid. What is the matter with the authorities. .?
Christina T.
Love music needs to live on for the future
chris g.
Dont let the "American pie" lyrics become a reality in Spain - The day the music died !!!!
George g.
Keep it live
Sharon B.
Please let's not stop people enjoying themselves. Keep bars alive.
melvyn g.
Licences for all year round are even better
zoe g.
We need the live music here to keep the tourists coming ,if there is no evening entertainment people will eventually stop coming and businesses will fail very quickly.It is very unfair when there are so many festivals / celebrations and here that have music till early hours of the morning so loud that you cant sleep at all and old people have become ill from the noise ,why is this allowed but you cant have music in a bar at a reasonable volume that stops at 12 pm? its crazy!! Seems to be one rule for one and different for another.
Stefan W.
Live music entertainment is an important tourist attraction without live music Spain will become a ghost country!
Pauline H.
Keep live music in Spain
Keith H.
Yes keep music live in spain
Janet B.
Please keep the entertainment live and preserve a great atmosphere
Paul B.
Don't let the few spoil it for the many
Robert I.
Good luck
Ismael A.
Hay que intentar que las terrazas de verano, chiringuitos, bares, discotecas, etc puedan hacer conciertos en temporada alta sin problemas de horarios, ni permisos ni historias. La música en directo no es mas que alegría, cultura, entretenimiento y todos tenemos derecho a eso. un saludo
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