Logotipo de Petición Pública España
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La opinión y las razones de los firmantes de la Recogidas de Firmas: Licencia de verano para el Entretenimiento en vivo/Música/Petition for Summer Live Music Entertainment Licences in Spain, para The President of Spain and The President of The European Union

Anthony P.The intimidation by the local Policia on small bars is causing major problems for both the bars and the artists. Why do the Policia and local council object to music in the holiday period. It also feels that the bans apply mostly, if not exclusively to British owned bars, usually well run with no order problems. Shame on the Policia
Suzana p.Hope everything will be fine
Rose M.I think we all the artist and people that love music should to figth against this law we want to be happy a little bit playing music singing music in this beautiful country we need to fight for live music never ends !!!!
MARÍA .Apoyemos la música en directo, por favor. La música grabada siempre la podremos escuchar, en casa, en el coche, en muchísimos sitios, poder escucharla en directo es un privilegio. Si no ¿qué clase de mundo es este?, ¿comer, producir, producir, producir para ganar MÁS dinero, para pagar MÁS cosas que al final nos damos cuenta que no nos hacen tan felices como creíamos. Por favor, la música une, compartámosla, disfrutémosla. Gracias :).Saludos. Sed felices y VIVA LA MÚSICA!.
Ann H.Live music all the year round contributes to the whole economy of Spain as well as not turning it into gohst towns
les w.support to keep music live
ruth r.support live music
Sue S.Es repugnante! Haga España quiere una mejor economía o no, ya que están haciendo peor !!! ¿Por qué no puedo ver que lo que los demás pueden ver?
Dennis H.Unless something is done everywhere will become like Calpe, a miserable place where it's becoming harder to enjoy life which is why we came here to live.
Jennifer K.Kill the music,kill the tourist trade, everyone loses!
John E.Venues with live music are always the busiest and essential for attracting tourism, life blood of Spanish economy.
Sheila p.Urgently required
Lynda t.Without live entertainment our tourist industry would be as dull as Dishwater!!!
estefania g.La musica un un arte y como tal, se tendria a escuchar en conciertos, en vivo y en directo. Vale ya de los plagios
Steven H.Kepp Spain and Music alive
ruben p.Te imaginas un mundo sin musica? Yo no.
MARIA M.Basta ya de recortar trabajo y cultura. Que recorten en política que para lo que hacen....
Carlos R.Cuanto peor va la economía de este país, menos facilidades para salir adelante ¿estamos locos o qué?
Stephen s.Different rules for different people
G.My husband and I are singers who like to sing, have no problems with keeping noise to a reasonable level or finishing at midnight, but cone on the Spanish don't even go out until 11o'clock at night and certainly where we live don't go to bed until the early hours, especially their kids whi sit outside my house until 2-3 am every night making as much noise as they possibly can

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