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La opinión y las razones de los firmantes de la Recogidas de Firmas: Licencia de verano para el Entretenimiento en vivo/Música/Petition for Summer Live Music Entertainment Licences in Spain, para The President of Spain and The President of The European Union

MIGUEL M.soy músico,amo la música,y creo en esta causa y lucha por esos derechos nuestros y de la gente en general!!!!
JOHN D.live entertainment is of vital importance to communities in spain and encourages more visitors and helps the economy
Conchi F.Cada voto una firma, cada firma un cambio, juntos podemos.
Yvonne .Please keep live music
Rene Z.Ya que por psrte del gobierno se recorta tanto en cultura, que por lo menos dejan los que pueden contribuir al arte de la música en paz y más: que les apoye el gobierno, no obstruye.
Susan S.Due to the 'no live music' problem in Los Montesinos we have closed No.11 Lounge Bar temporarly until this issue has been resolved. Cannot afford a large fine
Carole E.If we don't have the right to have live music in all areas of Spain it will completely ruin the tourist trade, close bars, the unemployment rate will escalate dramatically
LINDA K.Keep the bars alive we need music and entertainment in Spain the entertainment brings the holiday makers who bring the money which keeps the economy afloat
Norah G.Live and let live!
Geoffrey G.Is this another attempt to degrade your Tourist Industry? Many English friends like to listen to music/entertainment.
Georgina S.I moved to Spain 17 years ago, to enjoy the Spanish way of life and live entertainment was one of the major factors, you only get that back in UK at concerts etc, I might be getting older (drawing my pension) but I still like to go out and be entertained.
Declan D.Viva la musica!
Dorothy C.Don't stop the music we need some entertainment
jonathan b.There needs to be a midnight cut-off
Paul A.Come on Folks sign this petition ..
Rob K.Veo necesario que en bares y restaurantes en zonas turísticos se puede tener música en directo dentro de las horas establecidos abiertos al publico
Theresa B.Please help keep La Marina Urb alive with music, this will keep everyone in their current employment and help keep tourist coming into the Urb.
George R.Spain requires tourism to flourish
Simon G.Make the Rules about Live Music and we will all stick to them - Let us play and bring in much needed money to the whole of the Torrevieja Community Area.

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